
Check the details of each ONex output

  • RNAseq & BRBseq
  • ChIPseq, ATACseq and CUT&Tag
Service Limited Standard Advanced
Process raw data (fastq files)
Import processed data (count tables)
Import public datasets (GEO, EMBL, ...)
Data normalisation
Quality Control
Batch correction
Differential Expression
Differential Expression with covariates
Survival analysis
Volcano plots
Cell type deconvolution
Export plots as pdfs
Export tables as xlsx
Interactive results
Integration of RNA-seq datasets
Multiomics (merge with other seq data)
Browse genome
Basic report with methods
Advanced report with methods
Service Limited Standard Advanced
Process raw data (fastq files)
Import processed data (bed file of peaks)
Import public datasets (GEO, EMBL, ...)
Data normalisation
Quality Control
Batch correction
Peak Differential Expression (with replicates)
Peak Differential Expression (with replicates and covariates)
Volcano plots
GSEA of genes close to peaks
Export plots as pdfs
Export tables as xlsx
Interactive results
Integration of ChIP-seq datasets
Multiomics (merge with other seq data)
Browse genome
Overlap peaks with public data (Encode TFs, ...)
Basic report with methods
Advanced report with methods

ONex can analyze a wide range of sequencing data

We have developed ONex to be polyvalent and provide solutions for plethora of data types such as: scRNAseq, Spatial, scRNAseq, DNA-seq, Genotyping, Proteomics (MS, SILAC, ...), Lipidomics, HiC, iClip, TRAEL-seq, DROP-seq, Copy number array, ChIA-PET

ONex prestations